

SOME HIGHLIGHTS OF MY FIRST TERM THAT I AM MOST PROUD OF … All accomplishments required hard work, data driven focus, dedicated research, negotiations and compromise with other Board Members to receive a majority vote for approval.

Re-Inserting “Academic Excellence” into the HSE Schools Mission Statement
My first “victory” on the HSE School Board was simply making my case and making a motion in the public board meeting in Spring 2021 to have the phrase “academic excellence” put back into the HSE Schools’ mission statement. Noticing this was no longer part of our traditional mission statement, I rewrote a draft that is now the current mission statement for HSE Schools.  It was a surprise that this phrase had been edited out.  At the time, many in our Fishers community and myself included, believed that HSE Schools had shifted its focus too far away from what most of us believe is the primary purpose of a public school district.  My views were not always aligned with the other board members, but they couldn’t argue against having the words added back into our mission statement.  I believe this was my first motion that I made that passed.

Driving the revision of HSE Student Handbooks to support our families and teachers
As I gained experience on the school board, I had many conversations with HSE teachers and principals at school programs, sporting events, the grocery store, and church.  I have been a substitute teacher for over 9 years and been very involved at school with my own four kids, I knew many HSE teachers, administrators, and staff.  But I also met many new HSE teachers and employees too.  They expressed concerns that with HSE Schools’ growth, the district had not updated its basic codes of conduct in the student handbooks to keep pace with neighboring districts.  I did my research and evaluated 14 neighboring and central Indiana school districts’ student handbooks. Many gaps were found that needed to be addressed.  Sometimes suggesting changes in a 2,400-employee organization can be daunting and bureaucratic.  But as a Board Member and an advocate for positive changes, I was able to bring specific recommendations to the HSE Student Handbook Committee both behind the scenes and in our public meetings.  With the goal of putting HSE faculty in-charge of student interactions and code of conduct, I have heard from many HSE Teachers and Principals that they are very pleased with the improvements and appreciate the revisions that support focused and respectful education, allowing for improved classroom participation, decreased learning distractions and enhanced overall student achievements.

Developing the CARE Statement
Partnering with my student handbook research, I created and developed the C.A.R.E statement for our district’s student handbooks. I wanted to be an advocate for our students.  The C.A.R.E statement is on the first page along with the mission statement of every school’s student handbook. The statement which focuses on character, acceptance, respect and education is crucial for our school district for several reasons:

  • Character Development Emphasizing character helps to cultivate positive traits like integrity, responsibility, and empathy among our students. This supports their overall development as ethical and responsible individuals.
  • Acceptance– Promoting acceptance the statement fosters a school environment where every student feels valued and included regardless of their background, abilities, or beliefs. This inclusivity enhances the sense of community and reduces incidents of discrimination or bullying.
  • Respectful Environment respect is fundamental in creating a respectful and supportive atmosphere where students and staff appreciate each other’s differences and perspectives building a culture of mutual respect, trust and understanding.
  • Education with Relevance- connecting education with relevance ensures that students engage deeply with their learning experiences and goals. This approach makes learning meaningful and encourages students to bring their own experiences and interests into a supportive educational environment.

Meeting students where they are academically and emotionally acknowledges their uniqueness and strengths.  This personalized approach helps in nurturing each student’s growth and development, promoting a positive school experience.

When we foster relationships based on character, acceptance, respect, and education it creates a supportive network within the school community.  Strong relationships between students, teachers, staff, and families contribute to a positive school climate and student well-being.

Overall, the C.A.R.E statement sets a foundation for Hamilton Southeastern schools to prioritize the holistic development and well-being of every student creating an environment where they can thrive academically, socially and confidently.

Hamilton Southeastern Schools, as a forward-thinking school district, provides excellence in education and opportunities to ensure the success of each and every student, to become a responsible citizen and to positively influence an ever-changing world community.

Hamilton southeastern schools is committed to providing each student with learning experiences that are deep and relevant and encourage the development of each student’s unique identity. HSE Schools will meet each student where they are and make the dignity of each individual a priority while respecting all students and teachers’ diverse backgrounds and beliefs. HSE supports all students as they foster relationships with character, acceptance, respect, and education for all.

Advocate of improving literacy at HSE
Approving the implementation of the Science of Reading in Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) Schools marks a pivotal step towards enhancing literacy comprehension and overall academic success across our district. While serving on the board, I am proud to approve its’ implementation.

The Science of Reading is rooted in evidence-based practices that draw from cognitive science, linguistics, and educational psychology to understand how children learn to read and how best to teach reading effectively. By adopting the Science of Reading HSE Schools ensures that our literacy instruction aligns with the latest research and best practices. This approach emphasizes systematic phonics instruction, phonemic awareness, vocabulary development, fluency, and comprehension strategies. These foundational elements are crucial to equip students with the essential skills needed to become proficient readers.

Furthermore, the Science of Reading approach supports all learners including those with diverse learning needs and backgrounds. It provides educators with the tools and strategies to differentiate instruction effectively, ensuring that every student receives the support necessary to succeed in reading and beyond. The science of reading reflects HSE Schools’ dedication to continuous improvement and excellence in education. By staying abreast of research and implementing proven instructional methods we are fostering a culture of academic rigor and innovation that prepares our students to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Finding a solution to the long-debated Fishers Elementary School’s future
For years prior to being on the HSE School Board, there had been board and administration discussion about updating the school district’s oldest facility, Fishers Elementary School (FES).  As the city has grown around FES and away from downtown, the suggestions were wide ranging including closing and relocating FES.  This school has a known history with many residents as the site of the original Fishers High School and later reopened to graduate thousands of more recent elementary students.  Having been a real estate professional for over twenty-five years and as Chair of HSE School Board’s Facilities & Maintenance Committee, I researched many aspects of this project including condition of the current building, possible other land available in Delaware Township, feasibility of expansion by acquiring neighboring residential investment properties, and other facilities designs that could be a solution.  Outside experts in architecture, engineering, and construction consulted with the Facilities & Maintenance Committee to evaluate the best options.  The most fortunate result was a decision to rebuild FES on its existing land by utilizing a school design that would save HSE School Corporation more than $15,000,000 off the original estimated cost.  The new Fishers Elementary School is currently under construction and slated to open in the Fall of 2026.

Serving on the HSEF Board as a liaison for HSE Board of Trustees
Serving as a board of trustee for our school district and concurrently on the foundation board has been an immensely rewarding experience. It is a role that allows me to directly contribute to the growth success and well-being of our students and educators. One of the most fulfilling aspects of this responsibility is the opportunity to support our community through fundraising, scholarships, and grants. These initiatives not only provide essential resources but also strengthen our collective commitment to educational excellence. Seeing these initiatives come to fruition and witnessing the positive impact they have on individuals within our district fills me with pride and motivation to continue advocating for our educational community.

Moreover, serving as a Board of Trustee allows me to participate in strategic decision making that shapes the future of our school district. Collaborating with fellow trustees’, administrators, educators, and community stakeholders to set policies and priorities ensures that we are constantly striving for excellence in education. It is a responsibility that I take seriously and approach with a deep sense of dedication to ensuring that every student and Hamilton Southeastern Schools has access to high quality education and opportunities for success.

In essence, being a Board of Trustee and a member of the foundation board is more than just a role it is a privilege to serve our community and contribute to the positive growth and development of future generations it is an honor to support our students and teachers foster a culture of learning and innovation and work towards creating a school district where every individual can thrive and achieve their fullest potential.

Proud to Serve Our School Community:

  • Attended numerous sporting events at various schools and age levels including: Football, Basketball, Track, Lacrosse, Unified Track, Baseball, Soccer, Rugby, Swimming, Volleyball and several others.
  • Guest Speaker on several Career Days
  • Panel Judge for various educational forums
  • Attended Award Nights, Honor Events, Wellness Fairs, Back to School Events and End of Year Celebrations.
  • Awarded many Scholarships and Grants.
  • Attended several Musical & Theater Productions and Choir & Band Performances.
  • Toured all schools in our district
  • Visited all of our Exploratory Learning locations including Hub and Spoke, Fishers Agri Park, Fishers Government Building, Connor Prairie.
  • Attended EVERY Board Meeting, Work Session and Executive Meeting
  • Served on several committees and attended every location visit.
  • Proud to have Graduated over 98% graduates over 4yrs and handed out thousands of diplomas.
  • Attended EVERY Graduation, even during COVID, and all Athletic Graduations
  • NEVER missed a day of service and attended every required function.